Future-Proof Your Workforce with Strategic Education Benefits.
Corporate education assistance programs should be aligned to the talent objectives of your organization.
Pearson Accelerated Pathways works with employers to deliver education interventions that improve employees skills and knowledge, building a workforce that’s more competitive, engaged, and prepared for the future of work.
Give your workforce the development opportunities they desire.
Inquire about Pearson Accelerated Pathways today.
Education as a strategy can strengthen your bottom line.
The traditional model of college providing graduates with job opportunities is fading, as student debt and mismatched skills expectations are on the rise. We work with organizations to flip the paradigm — leveraging the job as the pathway to education attainment. Our consultative approach establishes a mutually beneficial partnership for both company and educators alike, creating a "win-win" model where everyone is driven to produce outcomes.
would stay if employers invested in learning opportunities
say tuition is a barrier
ROI for every dollar spent on education benefit programs
Did you know the right development programs can reduce absenteeism while improving employee morale and guest satisfaction? We can help by providing meaningful benefits that meet your learners where they’re at in their journey, from your frontline employee to executive leadership alike.

Education is our mission.
No provider partner has the relationships, scale, expertise, investment in, and passion for education like Pearson. Pearson Accelerated Pathways leverages the best of Pearson capabilities to serve opportunity youth through working adults, helping to have a positive impact on your bottom line and the lives of your employees.
- Integrate into or alongside existing learning, development, or tuition assistance programs
- Curation of best-in-class programs, technology experiences, and non-profit institutions, leveraging Pearson content, services, solutions and talent
- Coaches and advisors support employees throughout their journey
- Credit for prior work experience and meaningful pathways that meet career objectives
- Provides ease of working with one team to manage simple to complex client engagements.
Every student has a story.
Every company has a purpose.
Pearson Accelerated Pathways helps organizations provide educational opportunities aligned to the unique needs of your workforce. We are the only managed education services provider in the market with the size, scale and stability of a global education company able to address the war on talent. Let’s win this together.